C.Mcqueen, 5 time grammy award winner and Snarky Puppy's guitarrist said:
"I’m writing to recommend Andrea Iacoviello as a guitar teacher. I’ve known Andrea for several years now as a student of mine. I’ve known him to be a thoughtful, kind person and an inquisitive musician. He’s always looking for ways to improve his teaching skills. He’s diligent and reliable and I know he would be a great guitar teacher and a great person to work with."
Chris McQueen, Austin, TX USA Aug 16, 2022
Andrea Iacoviello, born in Turin, 9 june 1994, italian guitar teacher
I graduated at Modern Music Institute (MMI) with 100/100 in 2016, with one year in advance, and then i became an official MMI teacher, and director of MMI Vercelli.
In 2017 I became director of CMI Vercelli, and since 2018 I started teaching by myself, out of other schools.
For the whole 2023 i've been ranked #1 guitar teacher in the world for superprof US
I Played live with Steve Vai (2016) and Neil Zaza (2015).
I pubblished 3 guitar books translated in different languages
I also studied and took lesson with:
Frank Vignola (Madonna, Ringo Star, W.Marsalis, T. Emmanuel, Les paul, more than 20 books published and one of the best jazz guitar teacher of the world)
Andy Mckee (one of the best modern acoustic guitar player of the world)
Sheryl Bailey (Berklee college teacher , a lot of world-prize and publications all over the world)
Chris Mcqueen (guitar player of Snarky Puppy and Forq, 4 time winner of Grammy Adwards)
Tony Mcmanus ( one of the best acoustic guitar player of the world, specialized in irish music and DADAGD tuning)
Bob Lanzetti (guitar player of Snarky Puppy, winner of 3 Grammy Adwards)
David Becker (J.Scofield, P.metheny. K.burell, L.Coryell. ecc)
Giuseppe Continenza (J.Diorio, B.Lagrenne, F.Gambale, S.Henderson, he teached all over Europe)
Chris Buono (Dweezil Zappa, Snarky Puppy, Bumblefoot, docente Berklee College of Music, TrueFire, Guitar Player, Guitar One, and other world-pubblications)
Les Wise ( Musician Institute Los Angeles)
Neil Zaza (one of the best contemporary rock guitar player in the world)
Dario Fornara (important italian fingerstyle guitar player)
Alex Stornello (F.Gambale, M.A.Batio, R. Ford, president of MMI, he teached in a lot of European music schools)
Andrea Cesone (italian country guitar player)
I attended masterclass with Steve Vai, Robben Ford, Paul Gilbert, Guthrie Govan, Scott Henderson, M.A. Batio, Martin Miller, Neil Zaza
I played and recorded a bunch of italian CDs
I had more than 100 students in Italy, and other international students from all over the world.
C.Mcqueen, vincitore di 5 grammy award e chitarrista degli Snarky Puppy ha detto:
"I’m writing to recommend Andrea Iacoviello as a guitar teacher. I’ve known Andrea for several years now as a student of mine. I’ve known him to be a thoughtful, kind person and an inquisitive musician. He’s always looking for ways to improve his teaching skills. He’s diligent and reliable and I know he would be a great guitar teacher and a great person to work with."
Chris McQueen, Austin, TX USA Aug 16, 2022
Andrea Iacoviello, nato a Torino il 9 giugno 1994
Mi diplomo al Modern Music Institute (MMI) nel 2016, con 100 e lode con un anno di anticipo e vengo nominato insegnante ufficiale MMI.
Successivamente al diploma (2016) vengo nominato direttore di sede e mi viene affidata la direzione di MMI Vercelli
Nel 2017 mi viene affidata la direzione di CMI Vercelli.Nel 2018 scelgo di continuare a insegnare privatamente distaccandomi da scuole o associazioni
Nel 2023 sono stato classificato #1 al mondo come insegnante di chitarra su superprof US
Ho suonato in concerto con Steve Vai (2016) e Neil Zaza (2015)
Ho pubblicato 23 libri di chitarra, tradotti in più lingue.
Nel mio percorso di studi ho studiato e preso lezioni private con diversi maestri e chitarristi, tra cui:
Frank Vignola (Madonna, Ringo Star, W.Marsalis, T. Emmanuel, Les paul, più di 20 metodi pubblicati a livello internazionale, considerato uno dei maggiori didatti della chitarra jazz mondiale)
Andy Mckee (uno dei migliori chitarristi acustici moderni al mondo)
Sheryl Bailey (docente Berklee, svariati cd, metodi didattici e concerti nel mondo, ha tenuto seminari nelle più prestigiose scuole di musica americane, vari premi e acclamazioni dalla stampa jazz statunitense)
Chris Mcqueen (vincitore di 3 Grammy Award, chitarrista e compositore presso Snarky Puppy, Forq, e altri)
Tony Mcmanus ( uno dei maggiori chitarristi acustici al mondo per quanto rigarda la musica irlandese e celtica)
Bob Lanzetti (vincitore di 3 Grammy Award, chitarrista presso Snarky Puppy)
David Becker (J.Scofield, P.metheny. K.burell, L.Coryell. concerti e seminari in tutto il mondo)
Giuseppe Continenza (J.Diorio, B.Lagrenne, F.Gambale, S.Henderson, ha insegnato in diversi conservatori in diversi stati europei, affermato chitarrista jazz a livello europeo)
Chris Buono (Dweezil Zappa, Snarky Puppy, Bumblefoot, docente Berklee College of Music, TrueFire, Guitar Player, Guitar One, ecc)
Les Wise ( Musician Institute Los Angeles)
Neil Zaza (one dei maggiori chitarristi rock contemporanei)
Dario Fornara (importante chitarrista acustico italiano)
Alex Stornello (F.Gambale, M.A.Batio, R. Ford, direttore MMI)
Andrea Cesone (chitarrista country italiano)
Ho frequentato seminari e masterclass con: Steve Vai, Robben Ford, Paul Gilbert, Guthrie Govan, Scott Henderson, M.A. Batio, Martin Miller, Neil Zaza
Ho suonato e registrato come musicista, compositore e arrangiatore diversi CD
Ho avuto più di 100 allievi in Italia, e ne ho anche internazionali da tutto il mondo.

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